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The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Great Plains-Rocky Mountains Division of the American Association of Geographers

Virtual: October 14-16, 2021  |  In-Person: October 15-16, 2021
The Graduate Hotel and Nebraska Innovation Campus in Lincoln, Nebraska
Hosted by the Geography Program, part of the School of Global Integrative Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln

This conference is part of the new "AAG Regions Connect: A Joint Climate Forward Initiative".

AAG strives to create a professional and safe conference environment for all. We require all registrants to review and commit to our AAG Event Policies.

Visit the AAG Regions Connect conference website for all participating regions' programs and events and the AAG GPRM conference website for all GPRM programs and events.


In-Person + Virtual

Includes all food and beverage, Friday Welcome Social, Saturday conference, and access to all participating Regions Connect virtual content.

  • Students, K-12 Educator, Guests: $50
  • Faculty/Professional: $170

Virtual Only

Includes access to all participating Regions Connect virtual content.

  • Undergraduate: $20
  • Graduate, K-12 Educator, Postdoc: $30
  • Faculty/Professional: $50

Register for GPRM 2021

Refunds: the AAG will honor 100% refunds for the in-person portion of registrations up to but not including the first day of the Region or Partner event. Virtual registrations are non-refundable.


October 14

Virtual Conference:
Synchronous and asynchronous events with other Climate Forward regional conferences. Virtual GPRM Conference Day, with virtual papers and posters.

12:30 to 2:00 p.m. AAG Professional Development Session
2:00 to 3:30 p.m. AAG Jobs in Geography Panel
4:00 to 8:20 p.m. Virtual Conference

October 15

Virtual Conference:
Synchronous and asynchronous events with other Climate Forward regional conferences.

Various locations: registration check-in welcome table, field trips, workshop, Opening Reception, Student Social
Morning and afternoon Registration Welcome Table and Promo Tables
Morning and afternoon In-person and virtual field trips and in-person workshop
3:00 to 7:00 p.m. Registration Check-In, The Perkins Room, The Graduate Hotel (map)
5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Opening Reception in The Perkins Room, The Graduate Hotel
7:00 p.m. Student Social

October 16

Virtual Conference:
Synchronous and asynchronous events with other Climate Forward regional conferences.

In-Person Conference
Conference Center of Nebraska Innovation Campus (map)
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Registration Check-In, 2nd Floor
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Promo Tables, apparel pick-up, 2nd floor
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In-person conference sessions (poster, paper, panels, and workshops), box lunch, AAG President Yeh keynote, business meeting, in-person conference sessions, GeoBowl

COVID-19 Considerations

In-person events will comply with all university and Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department COVID-19 guidelines. This includes food and beverages—for example, Saturday's meal will be pre-boxed lunches provided by a licensed caterer.

The current Lancaster County indoor spaces mask mandate runs until October 28. While indoors in Lancaster County, in-person conference attendees will be required to wear masks and encouraged to practice social distancing.

With its large indoor spaces, Nebraska Innovation Campus, the venue for Saturday's in-person conference, is poised for successful social distancing.

UNL mask requirement

Field trips and workshops

Friday, October 15, 2021

Tales of Protection and Production: Lincoln's Unique Soil System

This asynchronous, self-guided field trip will allow conference attendees to learn about the unique soil and landscape systems of the Lincoln, Nebraska area. A virtual tour of field trip sites will be available before the conference, and will include information about each site and suggestions for things to look for and at each site. Attendees will have the option to visit any and all of the field trip sites on their own and at their own pace. Field trip sites/stops include the geology display at Schramm State Park Recreation Area, a saline wetland (the most threatened ecosystem in Nebraska and home to the endangered Salt Creek Tiger Beetle), a glacial till soil teaching pit at Nine-Mile Prairie, and more.

  • Trip developer: physical geographer and soil scientist Becky Young, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  • Duration: varies, depending on number of stops and time spent at each; estimate about 3-4 hours for full trip
  • Recommended accessories: sturdy walking shoes (that can get wet and/or muddy), long pants (several stops are in tallgrass prairies), seasonal jacket, hat and/or sunscreen, water bottle
  • Cost: free

Centennial Mall Walking Tour

Join us for a one-mile downtown walking tour of Centennial Mall.  We’ll explore Nebraska geography and history as we walk from the University of Nebraska campus to the state capitol building. Along the way, we’ll point out items of interest including the Standing Bear statue, one of the statues representing the State of Nebraska in the U.S. Statuary Hall.  Public artwork will highlight Native cultural elements, showcase Nebraska prairie vegetation and ecosystems, and include other fascinating historical and geographic facets of the Good Life State. The tour will conclude at Code Brewery, which derives its name from the Telegraph District that once occupied the area. 

  • Time: 12:00 to 4:00 p.m.
  • Trip Developer and Co-Leader: Education Abroad Global Exchange Coordinator, Geography Ph.D. student Jim Benes, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  • Trip Co-Leader: History Ph.D. candidate Tim Turnquist, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  • Recommended accessories: sturdy walking shoes, seasonal jacket, hat and/or sunscreen, water bottle
  • Cost: free (excluding individual purchases at Code Brewery)

QGIS and Leaflet Workshop

This workshop will introduce the basics of opening, using, and transforming geospatial data with QGIS. Attendees will use open-source data and software to explore the landscape of Nebraska and develop a code framework for map applications using Leaflet, an open-source JavaScript library. They will create code that they can use to produce their own web maps.

Please create a GitHub account and repository before attending the workshop.

  • Time: 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
  • Developers and Hosts: , Robert Shepard, Assistant Professor, and Morgan Ryan, Geography M.A. student, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  • Location: 126 Burnett Hall, City Campus
  • Cost: free
  • Maximum number of participants: 18


Enter your department's GeoBowl team to compete at this year's GPRM-AAG Regional Meeting for fun, prizes, and glory, as well as the chance to represent the GPRM Region in the World Geography Bowl at the 2022 AAG Meeting!

GeoBowl is a friendly and fun academic competition based on fundamental factual and conceptual geographical knowledge. Teams of six students compete—game-show style—to answer questions and earn points. Teams must have a minimum of six members but can also have reserves that can rotate in and out of different matches. Teams are encouraged to include a mix of graduate, undergraduate, male, and female students, but this is not a requirement at the regional level.

The top three teams and top three individual scorers will be recognized. The six highest-scoring participants, including a minimum of one undergraduate and one female representative, will also be invited to represent the GRPM Region and compete in the World GeoBowl at the AAG Annual Meeting. Those invited will receive a small stipend for their participation at the Annual Meeting.

Schools wishing to participate are required to pre-register and send the institution and departmental name, team member names, class (grad or undergrad), and email of each team member to the 2021 GeoBowl coordinator. Please include the words GeoBowl in your team registration or any other GeoBowl-related correspondence.

Coordinator: Michael Shambaugh-Miller

Student paper and poster competitions

The AAG Council Awards for Outstanding Undergraduate and Graduate Student Papers at Regional Division Meetings are designed to encourage undergraduate and graduate student participation at AAG Regional Division Meetings and support their attendance (in-person or virtual) at AAG Annual Meetings. Each awardee, one undergraduate and one graduate student per Region, will receive $1,000/each in funding to use towards the awardee's registration (in-person or virtual) and, if applicable, travel costs to the national AAG Annual Meeting.

To be considered, each student must register to attend (in-person or virtual) their fall Regional Division meeting. Students should submit their papers prior to the conference to Dr. Andrew Husa (, Student Competitions Coordinator. Awards will be presented at each Regional Division meeting, in accordance to established practices at the Region.

Questions about either opportunity can be directed to

Maps and parking information

City of Lincoln

Downtown Lincoln

City Campus

Nebraska Innovation Campus

Financially support GPRM students and educators

Often GPRM undergraduate/graduate students and area K-12 educators would like to attend the regional meeting but are financially prevented from doing so.

You can help! When registering, simply select the “Support GPRM” selection(s) of your choice! One hundred percent of your donation will go towards the specified category (e.g. student or educator).

On behalf of GPRM undergraduate/graduate students and K-12 educators, thank you!

  • Student Scholarship:
    $10, $20, $50, $100, $200
  • Educator Scholarship:
    $10, $20, $50, $100, $200


Payment is made via online registration. Items will be available for pick-up at the Oct. 16 in-person conference, Nebraska Innovation Campus registration check-in desk.

  • Geography Student Organization (GSO) 2021 GPRM Meeting T-shirt: $20
  • GPRM Region of the AAG T-shirt: $20
  • GPRM Region of the AAG Hoodie: $40

Apparel Details

Land Acknowledgement Statement

The University of Nebraska is a land-grant institution with campuses and programs on the past, present, and future homelands of the Pawnee, Ponca, Oto-Missouria, Omaha, Dakota, Lakota, Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Kaw Peoples, as well as the relocated Ho-Chunk, Iowa, and Sac and Fox Peoples. Please take a moment to consider the legacies of more than 150 years of displacement, violence, settlement, and survival that bring us together here today. At the University of Nebraska, we respect and seek out inclusion of differences, realizing we can learn from each other, and we look forward to building long-lasting relationships with the Indigenous People of Nebraska.


Conference Co-Organizer
Rob Shepard

Field Trips

Food and Beverages
Rob Shepard

Mike Shambaugh-Miller

Geography Student Organization (GSO)
Hannah Sievers, President

Physical Poster Sessions Coordinator
Andrew Husa

Student Paper/Poster Competition Coordinator
Andrew Husa

Conference Chair, GPRM President
Becky Buller