Meet Brianna Myers

October 4, 2021

Brianna Myers

Majors: Global studies, political science
Minors: History, theatre
Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska

Why did you choose those majors and minors?
I am studying global studies and political science because I love to travel and want to make a difference one day, specifically in international relations. I chose my minors because I absolutely love history and I love to act and direct.

The most interesting class I think I have taken is probably POLS104 (Comparative Politics). It was so interesting for me to see all the different ways that countries organize their government.

I think someone in another major should chose my majors because the courses you take and the people you meet helps to open your eyes to all the different cultures around the world and how beautiful they are.

I am studying abroad in Nice, France next semester! I chose this program because I've been taking French since middle school.

Another reason I chose this program is because it has a focus on immigration, and I have been really interested in that lately.

Post-graduation plans
Post-graduation, I am planning on going to grad school or drama school in California. One day, I would love to work in international relations, or potentially work on a show similar to Madam Secretary where I could help educate everyday people about the state of the world.