Meet Esbeidy Chavez

February 16, 2021

Esbeidy Chavez

Major: Global Studies 
Minor: Business
Hometown: Sutton, NE

Favorite book
My favorite book is "Spider Eaters" because it's based on a true story where the author of the book, Rae Yang, talks about her experience during the turbulent years of the Cultural Revolution that was taking place in China and the events that occurred under the leadership of Mao Zedong.

Favorite movie
My favorite movie as of now is "The Call" a Korean film that is on Netflix. I like this movie because it's a type of film that is full of suspense and is very mind-boggling because it has a lot of twists and turns throughout the film. It's where the past and the present collide with one another having fate choose the lives of two women in the film.

Why Global Studies?
I chose to study Global Studies because it doesn't only focus on one thing rather it's much broader and focuses on everything such as politics, anthropology, human relations, International relations and so on. When I first started going to UNL I didn't know they had a major like that. Once I started taking courses related to my major, I immediately liked it because there is so much about Global Studies that many people don't know about. In fact, it's a major in which you can do anything with and choose any career that you are the most passionate about.

Another reason why I chose Global Studies was because I like learning about new cultures, I like meeting people from different cultures, and I also love helping others.

Some interesting classes that I've taken so far would have to be Intro to Global Studies, Intercultural and Intergroup Communication, and some History classes about Asia. A class that had the biggest impact on me would be Intro to Global Studies because for the first time in a while I didn't have any thoughts of uncertainty about the type of career I wanted to have. I knew instantly the type of career I wanted to have.

Some suggestions that I have for new incoming majors would be to not be afraid to reach out to professors, because they are there to help you succeed throughout your whole career. If you are interested in something, for example a study abroad opportunity or getting involved in school, don't hesitate to reach out to them because they will guide you to the right path. Another thing I would say is to not be afraid to put yourself out there and if an opportunity is given to you, take it.

A reason why I think someone in another major should choose to major in Global Studies is because there is so much that we don't know about the world. The world is always evolving and without technology, social media, the news, etc., we wouldn't know anything about other countries or how they operate. I feel as if it is important to stay current with what is happening around the world, especially in the world we live in now. In order to help our world and understand it better we need to find solutions in which we can provide aid to others when they need it the most, how to settle disputes with other countries, and how to properly take action when faced upon a difficult situation.

Extracurricular Experiences
Recently, I've been selected to become an ambassador for the College of Arts and Sciences. Even though, this is my first time being an ambassador my goal is to help anybody who is new to UNL, guide them throughout the way, and talk about the many amazing opportunities offered by the College of Arts and Sciences.

Besides being an ambassador, I volunteer at the Asian Community and Cultural Center where I teach English classes to adults that are from Africa and Asia. I love teaching them English because not only am I helping them improve on their English, but I have learned a lot from them and their culture. The reason why I volunteered was because I thought this would be a great opportunity for me to understand and communicate with different cultures and to also help others.

As for studying aboard, I don't have any experiences yet, however I have applied for (and am currently a semi-finalist) the CLS Program (Critical Language Scholarship Program) to study abroad in India. I chose India because since I'm a Global Studies major, I have to choose a region to focus on throughout my academic career and I chose Eurasia/Asia. Another reason why I chose India was because it's a country that many people don't choose. I thought this would be a great opportunity for me to challenge myself, get out of my comfort zone and learn a language that is uncommon to many, and learn more about the culture and history of India.

Post-graduation plans
I am still deciding on what I want to do after graduation. I am either going to attend graduate school or work right away. Nevertheless, my ideal career is becoming a Foreign Service Officer for the State Department where I would promote the United States interest around the globe.