Student Spotlight: Claire Zurowick

March 10, 2025

Claire Zurowick

Name: Claire Zurowick
Major: Anthropology
Hometown: Grosse Pointe Park, MI
Year at UNL: Junior

Favorite Book and Why: My favorite books is "To All The Boys I've Loved Before" because I am a hopeless romantic and love a good romcom

Favorite Movie and Why: My favorite movie is Jurassic Park because I like dinosaurs and it's a good classic thriller movie.

Why am I studying Anthropology: I am studying anthropology because growing up I have always been nosy. I wanted to know about people, their culture, just everything; I would ask a million questions and still do. I had also had a fascination with archaeology and whenever I went hiking or exploring outside, I'd bring back rocks and fossils I had found. With anthropology I am able to still be nosy and learn about people past and present and do something I truly enjoy.

The best/most interesting classes I have taken: There are a few classes at UNL that I have taken that are amazing. I have taken Intro To Cultural Anthropology with Dr. Clausing, Primate and Behavior ecology with Dr. Sefczek, and Field Methods in Ethnography with Dr. Ibrahimpasic. In all of these classes my professors have encouraged me as a student to learn and grow and pursue anthropology in a way I am interested in. In my first anthropology class with Dr. Clausing she let me write my argumentative research final on how pumpkin spice lattes were ruining fall with consumerism. With anthropology you can ask any question you have about people and society past or present and go out and find those answers yourself. That is my favorite thing about anthropology. You can be curious and explore and learn as you go, you aren't stuck in a corporate ladder, you could do field research in Zion National park or be a professor at a university and so much more.

Anthropology is so vast there are a million different places you could end up with it. For anyone confused about their major you just need to keep trying new things, I changed my major so much because none of them had interested me, once you find something that brings you joy to go to class every day and puts a smile on your face even doing an assignment then you know that's the major for you.

Study Abroad experience: Last summer I went to Japan for a two-week study abroad program about nutrition, health, and exercise science. I loved it there, the food, the people, all the university students I got to meet and the places I got to see. It was truly a unique experience. I am also going on another study abroad this summer to South Korea and I know I am going to have a blast there as well.

Extra-Curricular Experience: I am the fundraising chair for the UNL Running Club, and I run marathons. This year I hope to get another Boston Qualifying time and run a 3:20 marathon and drop 8 minutes off of my previous personal best. I am also the Sweetheart for Theta Chi here at UNL and have many amazing friends in that fraternity whom I help with events such as charity work.

Why I do these extra curriculars: I went on my study abroad just because I love to travel and learn and just jump into new experiences. My curiosity just takes me places. I am part of running club because running is great for my mental health. When I am outside and running, I can clear my head and almost get into a meditative state that brightens my day. I recommend a study abroad to really anyone who is just curious or adventurous. You learn so much you have never known before through travel and make so many friends, it's enlightening for anyone. Running is a great activity not only for your physical health but your mental health as well, when you need a break from homework you can clear your head with it and it helps keep you fit and strong for any fun activities you wish to do like hiking on vacation or walking around a big city with your gal pals.

Post graduation plans: After I get my bachelors in anthropology, I hope to either go to law school or enter a PhD program in anthropology or I will most likely end up doing both.