Tutorial Videos
Taylor Livingston covers VidGrid and Zoom
Tutorials and resources from CAS Teaching Online Sessions
Anthropology Specific Resources
American Anthropological Association has online teaching webinars. More will be published here as they become availible.
Mike Welsch from Kansas University created a very well done Cultural Anthro course (although called ANTH 101). If people join the Google Group linked through the site, you can see how he has tweaked the activities for the COVID-19 pandemic. He also has an article up for adapting to online teaching.
Sapiens has short articles and podcasts to use as alternatives to lectures.
A google doc on Responsive Teaching and Learning in Anthropology
Other Resources
American Association of College and University Educators have some resources on online teaching best practices they have out together for the nation-wide online teaching transition.
Chronicle Vitae articles
The Chronicle of Higher Education has a Facebook group for higher education and COVID-19. There they share their stories and questions and keep up with The Chronicle’s latest reporting.