Carrie Heitman
Associate Professor School of Global Integrative Studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
OLDH 826
Lincoln NE 68588-0368 - Phone
Professional Vision: To share inclusive pasts to build inclusive futures.
Through building collaborative, open-access cultural heritage resources, Heitman’s goal is to help educate people about the richness and complex time-depth of Native American histories, the importance of their enduring connections to ancestral places, and to protect these sites and our knowledge about them for future generations. Her work is focused on community partnerships with Indigenous descendants and engages global digital humanities methodologies as well as open science approaches for ethical data sharing.
- Ph.D. University of Virginia, Anthropology (2011)
- M.A. University of Virginia, Anthropology (2004)
- B.A. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Philosophy and History of Art with honors (1998)
Research Interests
North America and the American Southwest, Archaeologies of Social Inequality, Gender, Social and Ritual Organization, Household Archaeology, Digital Humanities, Critical Heritage Studies, Community Archaeology, Ethnoarchaeology, Digital Methods and Emergent Technologies in Anthropology
Research and Current Projects
Heitman, C. (PI) Being Present with the Past: Seeking Native Perspectives for the Salmon Pueblo Archaeological Research Collection and the Chaco Research Archive. With colleagues from Archaeology Southwest (Paul Reed), the University of Virginia (Worthy Martin, the Zuni Cultural Resources Advisory Team, and the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Grant: G-1804-05721. $60,000
Lekson, S. (PI), Ruth Van Dyke (Co-PI), and Carrie C. Heitman (Co-PI). Chaco Landscapes. Rocky Mountain Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit Task Agreement Number: P14AC01703, Project #: UCOB-109. University of Colorado-Boulder. $94,599.
Heitman, C. (PI), Reed, P. (Co-PI). Salmon Pueblo Archaeological Research Collection. With colleagues from the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities, Salmon Ruins Museum (Larry Baker) and the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities at the University of Virginia (Worthy Martin). National Endowment for the Humanities, Humanities Collections and Reference Resources. Grant: PW-228168-15, $300,000 salmonpueblo.org
Director and Co-Principal Investigator, Chaco Research Archive with Steve Plog (University of Virginia) and Worthy Martin (Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities). chacoarchive.org
Senior Personnel. Digital Native American and Indigenous Studies Project (DNAISP), Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. PI: Jennifer Guiliano, IUPUI: $249,817. http://digitalnais.org/
Heitman, C. Project Lead. Ohio Hopewell: Prehistoric Crossroads of the American Midwest. With colleagues from The Field Museum (William Parkinson, Jamie Kelly) and the University of Illinois at Chicago (Krystal Britt). Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Illinois Humanities Council, Humanities Without Walls, Global Midwest Seed Grant: $24,744. hopewell.unl.edu
- Introduction to Prehistory and Archaeology (ANTH 232)
- Cultural Heritage of the American Southwest (ANTH 337/837)
- The Anthropology of Death (ANTH 215)
- Digital Anthropologies (ANTH 416/816)
- Readings in Digital Humanities (ANTH/ENGL/HIST/MODL/ 946)
Selected Publications
Van Dyke, Ruth M. and Carrie C. Heitman (editors). March 2021. The Greater Chaco Landscape: Ancestors, Scholarship, and Advocacy. University Press of Colorado. UPC Manifold webpage: http://read.upcolorado.com/projects/the-greater-chaco-landscape
Guiliano, Jennifer and Carrie C. Heitman. 2019. “Difficult Heritage and the Complexities of Indigenous Data.” Journal of Cultural Analytics. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22148/16.044
Heitman, Carrie C. 2016. “‘A Mother for All the People’: Feminist Science and Chacoan Archaeology.” American Antiquity 81(3):471-489. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0002731600003954
Heitman, Carrie C. and Steve Plog. (editors) 2015. Chaco Revisited: New Research on the Prehistory of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. University of Arizona Press for the Amerind Studies in Archaeology Series.