Phil Geib
Associate Professor of Practice School of Global Integrative Studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
OLDH 841
Lincoln NE 68588-0368 - Phone
- M.A. Anthropology, Northern Arizona University
- Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Research Interests
Hunter-gatherers, Transition to Agriculture, North American Southwest & Great Basin, Prehistoric Technology, Cooperation & Warfare
Selected Publications
2013 Should Dates Trump Context? Evaluation of the Cave 7 Skeletal Assemblage Radiocarbon Dates. Journal of Archaeological Science 40:2754–2770 (W.B. Hurst, junior author).
2011 Foragers and Farmers of the Northern Kayenta Region. Excavations along the Navajo Mountain Road. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
2008 Age Discrepancies with the Radiocarbon Dating of Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.). Radiocarbon 50:347-357.
2008 Palynology and Archaeological Inference: Bridging the Gap between Pollen Washes and Past Behavior. Journal of Archaeological Science 35:2085-2101 (S.J. Smith, junior author).
2008 The Role of Basketry in Early Holocene Small Seed Exploitation: Implications of a Ca. 9,000 Year-Old Basket from Cowboy Cave, Utah. American Antiquity73:83-102 (E.A. Jolie, junior author)
2007 Investigations at Double Ditch Village, A Traditional Mandan Earthlodge Settlement (S.A. Ahler, senior author). A case study in Seeking our Past: An Introduction to North American Archaeology, by S.W. Neusius and G.T. Gross, pp. 442-451. Oxford University Press, New York & Oxford. (2ed edition 2011:322-330).
2007 Earthen Architecture at the Bluff Great House in SE Utah. Journal of Field Archaeology 32:339-352 (C. Cameron, senior author).
2006 Glen Canyon Archaeology, Then and Now: Lipe’s Contributions In Hindsight. In Tracking Ancient Footsteps: William D. Lipe’s Contributions to Southwestern Prehistory and Public Archaeology, edited by R.G. Matson and T.A. Kohler, pp. 29-43. Washington State University Press, Pullman.
2002 Considerations in Folsom Fluting and Evaluation of Handheld Indirect Percussion (S.A. Ahler, junior author). In Folsom Technology and Lifeways, edited by J.E. Clark and M.B. Collins, pp. 249-271. Lithic Technology Special Publication No. 4, Department of Anthropology, University of Tulsa, Tulsa.
2002 Basketmaker II Horn Flakers and Dart Point Production: Technological Change at the Agricultural Transition. In Traditions, Transitions and Technologies: Themes in Southwest Archaeology, edited by S.H. Schlanger, pp. 272-306. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
2000 Sandal Types and Archaic Prehistory on the Colorado Plateau. American Antiquity 65:509-524.
2000 Why Flute? Folsom Point Design and Adaptation. Journal of Archaeological Science 27:799-820 (S.A. Ahler, senior author).
2000 The Basketmaker II-III Transition on the Rainbow Plateau (K. Spurr, junior author). In Foundations of Anasazi Culture. The Basketmaker-Pueblo Transition, edited by P.F. Reed, pp. 175-200. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
1996 Glen Canyon Revisited. Anthropological Paper No. 119, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
1995 Continuous or Not? Archaic Occupation of the Central Colorado Plateau. In Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference on Research in the Colorado Plateau National Parks, edited by C. van Riper, III, pp. 889-136. Transactions and Proceedings Series NPS/NRNAU/NRTP-95/11, National Park Service, Denver.
1993 Sources of Igneous Temper for Fremont Ceramics of South-central Utah. In Proceedings of the First Biennial Conference on Research in Colorado Plateau National Parks, edited by P.G. Rowlands, C. van Riper, III, and M.K. Sogge, pp. 166-183. Transactions and Proceedings Series NPS/NRNAU/NRTP-93/10, National Park Service, Denver (M.M. Lyneis, junior author).
1992 Radiocarbon Dating of Fremont Anthropomorphic Rock Art in Glen Canyon, South-central Utah. Journal of Field Archaeology 19:155-168 (H.C. Fairley, junior author).