Congratulations to MA student Nora Greiman, who has just won a grant from the Archaeometry Laboratory of the University of Missouri Research Reactor Center for her project “Pilot Study for Examining Population Movement and Community Resilience during the Hyper-dynamic peri-Medieval Climatic Anomaly, Sand Hills.” This $3500 grant will support the neutron activation analysis of sherds from Sand Hills sites believed to have been occupied just before, during, and just after the Medieval Climatic Anomaly, during which time the Sand Hills were devegetated and revegetated. NAA allows for the characterization of the paste used in making ceramics. These characterizations of sherds (independently dated with OSL in UNL’s Luminescence Geochronology Laboratory Lab) will help understand the range of the social network in which people, likely ancestors of modern Pawnee people, were embedded as their landscape underwent dramatic transformations. Ms. Greiman’s thesis is supervised by Dr. Matthew Douglass, Dr. Ronald Goble (EAS), and Dr. LuAnn Wandsnider. Substantial assistance on this project also comes from the Nebraska State Historical Society.
In addition, Nora has been awarded the Dana Deger Memorial Scholarship by the Nebraska Archaeological Society. This award is made annually to benefit a student engaged in Nebraska archaeology. Congrats again to Nora!!