Student Spotlight: Andrea Poole

Andrea Poole
Mon, 04/22/2019 - 15:20

Major(s): Global Studies

Minor(s): Political Science, Women's & Gender Studies

Hometown: Madison, WI

Why did you select your majors and minors?
I came into the University undeclared, but knowing that I wanted to go to law school. I was also interested in traveling, and I wanted to start by completing a study abroad. After I went to a Major Fair and talked to all of the booths about my goals, the one that stuck out most to me was the Global Studies booth. The people who were working it were happy and excited to be there, there were unlimited opportunities for studying abroad, and the main focuses of the major were things that I was interested in. The two minors I added because they both had many classes that I was interested in taking and learning about.

Who have been some of your strongest mentors or role models here? 
I was a member of the Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) my freshman year, and I absolutely admire my ELP leader Becca Schrack. She did such amazing work and were very passionate about sustainability on campus. Becca was my inspiration for doing more activism, both in and outside of the world of environmentalism.

Did you/are you going to study abroad? 
I am currently completing my semester abroad in Cusco, Peru. I am in love with this experience. My study abroad has taught me so much, both in and outside of the classroom. Being able to experience a culture and a society outside of the United States has made it so much easier for me to understand the scope of differences contained in our world. The diversity, the culture, even the gender roles are all new and different, and being here has been an eye-opening experience to what I've been taking for granted back home. I would recommend a study abroad for every person, regardless of major, if even only for a couple of weeks; you'll never regret it!

What are you involved in on campus? 
I was a member of ELP my freshmen year, which was a great organization to be a part of. I also attended weekly Young Democrats Club meetings while I was still living on campus, as well as represent my Residence Hall in RHA. Next school year I will work as an LC peer mentor for the Global Communities LC. With that, I will encourage young students to learn a second language, assist in applying for education abroad, or promote opportunities for careers with global impacts; no matter how small-scale you start, you never know just how far your efforts will go!

What are your plans after graduation? 
After graduation I plan to attend law school. I will be moving around a lot, so I would like to complete one year of law school in person at the University of Nebraska law school, but then transfer my credits to a different, online law school and complete my degree from there. With my law degree I hope to work in civil rights law, maybe do some activist work, and then once I settle down in one location for a while, I will work toward becoming a judge. I may even start working in politics for a little while. My ultimate goal, however, is to become a Supreme Court Justice inspired by Sonia Sotomayor and the famous RBG.