Student Spotlight: Claire Bartels

Claire Bartels
Mon, 05/06/2019 - 14:25

Major(s): Global Studies, Sociology

Minor(s): LAMS, HRHA

Hometown: Lincoln, NE

Why did you select your majors?
I declared my majors because I felt that they coincided well with one another and I had a drive to understand the how and why our society functions a certain way, both at a local and global level.

What is your favorite course you have taken at UNL?
My favorite course that I have taken here at UNL is the course I am currently enrolled in, Gender and Sexuality in Latin America with Dr. Waskar. The reading selections for this course have been diverse and have offered a unique insight into the gender dynamics of Latin American society both of today and in the past. The class has offered a deep and diverse understandings of how sexuality and gender have been constructed in the region, including within the indigenous community which is often ignored.

Who have been some of your strongest mentors? 
One of my biggest role models is Dr. Werum of the sociology department. Her class on Race and Ethnicity was the most intellectually challenging class I have taken. Her drive and passion were inspiring to me as I continue my path to become a better academic, individual, and global citizen.

Do you have research experience?
I have had the opportunity to work on two different research projects throughout my time at UNL. Through the sociology department USTAR program I have been able to work with Dr. Burke on her project examining the discourse around pornography as an addiction or not and it’s potential harms. I have also been able to work with Dr. Hillebrecht and her team on a project assessing nations’ compliance with UN mandates, specifically regarding women’s rights.

Did you study abroad? 
I studied abroad in Chile for a semester in the spring of 2018 and it was an amazing experience that allowed me to increase my Spanish skills as well as gave me the opportunity to experience another culture and education system. I am so grateful to have had the full semester experience to gain as much knowledge as I could of the culture of Chile.

What are your plans after graduation? 
After graduation I will be taking a gap year to serve with AmeriCorps through College Possible in Omaha where I will be a high school coach helping low income students prepare for admission to and success in college.