Congratulations to Dr. Carrie Heitman and Dr. Heather Richards-Rissetto for organizing the very successful, 3rd Nebraska Digital Humanities Forum dedicated to Digital Cultural Heritage. The Forum convened on April 9th and 10th on the UNL Campus and brought together leading scholars who presented stimulating papers, participated in round table discussions, addressed questions and reflected on the state of the field.
The Thursday keynote speakers covered a wide range of topics, from medieval material culture in digital interactive installations and archives, to 3D technology in archaeology and its relationship to empiricism, mediated experience and neurosciences, to the role that stories and storytelling play in assessing the value and impact of online ethnographic collections. The Friday session brought together an interdisciplinary group of junior scholars from history, architecture and archaeology. They presented ongoing research on the design of new tools for visualization and interpretation of archaeological sites, historical structures, ancient urban environments and the development of mobile heritage applications. Several presentations addressed the impact of 3D modeling/visualization on scholarly activity, publication, and the peer review process, issues of great significance to the Digital Humanities community. The Forum provided a wonderful opportunity for participants to assess current accomplishments and reflect on the transformative power of digital methods and tools. Overall, a very stimulating gathering that enriched our understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of Digital Heritage.